
Sage name comes from the Latin word salveo, which means - to be healthy, while also explaining the healing properties of the plant. 

Sage, used for seasoning food, was discovered around the 15th century. Mediterranean and Asia Minor Peninsula. Sage flavor are highly dependent on soil - in Central America has a characteristic sweet, fruity taste, completely the opposite - Mediterranean sage, pineapple sage (Salvia rutilans), cherry sage (Salvia greggii), fruit smell sage (Salvia dorisiana) and yet another. 

Sage pungent taste is comparable to rosemary and thyme, it has a fresh, fragrant, "purifying the mind, soothing and healthful fragrance. 

Sage from finished: flavored tea, tobacco, liquor, vinegar, soft drinks and herbal infusions, due to their disinfectant properties of various forms of inflammation. 

Sage eat very well connected to the carbs (fresh vegetables, beans, fruits, whole grain products, and processed grains and sugars of all kinds). 

European sage is a characteristic pungent (peppery) taste. Western cuisine is used in the preparation of a high-fat meat. 

Sage can be used, you prepare the marinade, chopped sage is used as a spice powder meat dishes. 

With the sage, is also being prepared Sage Derby cheese. 

U.S. and Britain used in conjunction with sage onion, poultry or pork filling and the sauce. 

French cuisine sage is used in the preparation of white meat and vegetarian soups. 

Germany sage spices are very commonly used in sausages, frankfurters, sausages. 

Italy sage is used (as a flavor enhancer), olive oil, butter. 

Balkans and the Caucasus sage is used in the preparation of lamb, in particular those prepared to open fire or roast. 

Sage and onion combination is one of the most commonly used is the kitchen. 

Sage leaves, rape oil, used as decorations on a plate of food. 

Sage blossom beautiful big, blue flowers. The Mediterranean sage grows wild, but in our climate zone, we grow sage herb bed or as ornamental plants in the garden. If you think you grow this plant in your garden, then find it a sunny little place with no wind. 

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