How to evaluate wine

The total number of different brands of wine are summed difficult - it's tens of thousands.In addition, each year they are made from the new crop of grapes and, therefore, can not be entirely accurate to repeat the previous harvest, taste and aroma characteristics.Usually choose wine by its label, which the client most complete information about the product. But how to evaluate wines? This task addresses tasting, which translated from Latin means "taste".

However, tasting evaluate not only the taste, it makes an overall assessment of the wine by the sight, smell, taste and even hearing (for example, sparkling wine) for help. She looks like an assessment includes a drink, color and clarity of analysis.
Since the flavor and aroma of wine is the main basis, following the greatest attention.They are not simply because the taste is broad and take into account the various primary and secondary indicators amount. 


Modern grapes are usually quite clear, however, drink clarity assessment is one of the first steps in wine tasting. Luminosity measured by both the transmitted light, and backlight.
For this purpose, a glass of wine with the test, slightly tilting, is placed between the light source and the eyes, though not on the same line. At a very bright light may have overlooked a small mud, so the luminosity is assessed not to drink through a light walk-behind, but the floating matter, if she is a glare.
A more efficient to check the clarity of a dark room. It is used to evaluate the wines with deep color, such as port, kagorus: a dark room behind the wine placed in a weak light source (lit matches, candles, low light). In this case, can detect the faintest of wine faults.
Wine is characterized by light transmission: crystal clear, translucent, dusty, grayish, with the haze, cloudy. Old wines often contain sediment, which in no way to indicate poor quality, on the contrary - that by his elite status, it has been aged for a long time.

Wine color is one of the key indicators of quality. Wine by color may be white, pink or red. At the white wines includes drink with a wide range of hues. White (light), their color tends to be almost colorless, pale green or greenish, or pale straw yellow. Brownish hue is characteristic of oxidation wines that are unfit for use.
There is a large white wine group, called the dark. These prolonged periods of time has been aged in barrels or other containers (such as Tocai). This group also includes spirits and dessert wines. All these wines are characterized by yellow or even light brown color. Rose wines are made from red grape varieties, the berries are colorless pulp, as well as from the red grape variety, using technologies that separate the grape juice from the sapwood. Pink wines produced white juice fermentation for red varieties sapwood.
Rose wines are regarded as a compromise between the white and red. Taste and aroma are more like white people, but the color - red.
Rosé wines as well as a variety of shades: pale pink, pink, pale red, light red. Red wine color can be varied in a very wide range - from light red to violet red. Saturated red color with purple tones are very new wine feature. After the passing of those they are getting lighter.
Studying wine color, assess the quality and intensity of colors, complementary tonal characteristics. It uses natural light and a white background (white paper, white tablecloth).

Wine aromas in a complex volatile composition of essential oils, which contain a particular grape variety. It is believed to have been found in more than 500 aromatic substances - it is also the reason why there are so many flavors and wine in particular - the wine: the simplest flavor, usually have a table wine, made from neutral grape varieties, the fruit: characterized by a set of table and fortified wines. The red wines of Cabernet, Bastards grape, cherry, black currant and black plum aromas.
Nutritious, Port Wine is characterized by a common fruit flavor; Grape aroma: typical fresh wines; Muscat: has the table and dessert wines made from muscadine grape varieties; Honey: dessert wines like Tocai; Flowers: delicate floral aroma and grasslands, which characterized by high quality table wines (Merlot); Resin: the characteristic strengths of dessert wines, drawn from the open fire cooked grape juice.
Wine can be described various scents: wood, mushroom, vegetable, autumn leaves, minerals, etc.. Along with the good, it should be noted also the negative flavor: the smell of cork and oxidized flavor - pungent and unpleasant odor of acetic acid, characteristic of table wines, which has long been in contact with airborne oxygen or other oxidants.Concentration of vinegar is developing quite rapidly and can lead to complete damage of drink - wine into vinegar.
Intenseness flavor may be weak, moderate, strong and bright. Table wines made from grapes of a neutral species, such as Aligote, semi-dry and light dessert wines generally have a relatively slight odor. Strong flavor characteristic of wines from the Cabernet, Muscat and other varieties.
There is the concept of "wine flavor", fixing the aromatic tones that occur implies a drink, and a set of combinations.
An interesting wine bouquet description is used in France, where tasters use of strong concept and a comparison of the arsenal.
Describing the bouquet of French can tell you that it is subtle, keep fruit flavor, may be tempting, seductive, full of strength, peacock tail, reminiscent, and, on the other hand, careless, sharp, blunt and even ... Stupid!
Aroma capture mechanism is simple. From the beginning, keep a glass of remote and approximated for themselves and again directed outside. Zooming in on the nose, usually the flavor is immediately perceived. Then, after a careful shaking, glass cuts.Excreted stronger flavor than in the past. Aroma can also be assessed by a different method - I took a little wine in your mouth.

Grape wine tasting up non-volatile substance, which acts on the tongue. Taste buds, which are located in the tongue taste areas convey the sense of taste.
As we know, there are four major taste sensations: sweet, sour, bitter and salty. The other sense of taste is derived from these. At the main wine tasting features are subject to: acidity, sweetness, alcohol, poignancy and fullness.
The wines combine with organic alcohol, acid, sugar (if it includes wine), Ger-acid flavors are called harmonic. If any of these components is of little or as much, he is called neharmonisku, rude and ruin.
It is very important in wine evaluation is the characterization of the completeness point of view. Are considered to be complete wine with plenty of extract, thick and dense, containing a significant amount of glycerol, Ger substances and pectin. If the wine is ideal for perfection, it is described as a velvety, soft, oily.
It is very much a term used to describe wine. Below are listed the most common:
Bitter: an unpleasant taste resulting from the absence of Ger acid and disappears after aging. Fresh: wine, stored in the fruit-flavored wine early. Life: a rich wine, but the opposite of soft wine; Easy: with the poor of alcohol and often the color, can be enjoyable if there is a noble origin. Persistent: complete, with a harmonious taste and aroma of the ensemble. Saturated: silky, solid, with well-marked characteristics. Velvety: soft wine that gently pleases the palate. Weak: shallow, thin wine with poor flavor. Gentle: velvety, oily. Soft: wine without acid, without liveliness, dull. Edgy: pretty oxidation, the most intense. Strong: very intense wine, full bodied and rich. Destruction: too old wine, which has lost its original quality. Green: too new wine with high acid content.

How to correctly identify the taste of wine? 
First of all, just pick their mouths and set the balance between flavor components. To do this, the taster in the mouth rinse, but the wood, if carried out, exhale through the nose.
The next stage of the wine taster to deal with all the tongue surface, the minimum slightly open mouth, the air drawn in to reinforce the aromas and contributes to a better olfactory function. As a result, the mouth can sense a lot of perfume, as he interacted with the air and becomes active. Wine, unlike the spirits, never to drink immediately.Must be treated with dignity and drink slowly with a sip.

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